Can i eat sugar on a paleo diet?

One of the main challenges faced by paleo diet followers comes in the form of refined sugars, which are nearly impossible to avoid in today's food system. White sugar is highly processed; chemicals must be used to purify the cane syrup and turn it into refined sugar.

Can i eat sugar on a paleo diet?

One of the main challenges faced by paleo diet followers comes in the form of refined sugars, which are nearly impossible to avoid in today's food system. White sugar is highly processed; chemicals must be used to purify the cane syrup and turn it into refined sugar. Instead, the paleo diet is based on natural sweeteners. We choose which sweetener to use based on each individual recipe; since each option has a different flavor and interacts with the other ingredients differently, it's helpful to have a variety of sweeteners on hand.

Below, we list the ones that we used in the test kitchen. The paleo diet, a hot topic and a trendy diet plan, has caused the Internet (and much of the academic world) to debate about it. But are they really all the same? What about “natural” sugars, such as those in raw, unprocessed honey? Are you sure they can't be as bad as corn syrup? Following a paleo diet can help alleviate symptoms for those who didn't know they had underlying problems. Sugar doesn't exist naturally in many forms outside of fruits, and if it does exist, it's extremely difficult to obtain or process it.

So, when determining if something is paleo, not only should you consider if that something is natural, but you should also consider how often it would have been eaten. For example, eating lean meats and vegetables provides enough protein and fiber, which promote satiety (or satiety), prevent overconsumption of other foods, and reduce calorie intake. Whole foods eaten as part of the paleo diet promote the health of the intestinal lining and increase the diversity of microbiomes (important for a healthy and strong immune system), keeping us protected from harmful bacteria and toxins. Those who follow this dietary pattern believe that a modern diet is one of the main causes of the development of common chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome.

The large intake of whole foods and the decrease in the consumption of simple carbohydrates and refined sugars mean that blood sugar levels can remain stable throughout the day. In addition, paleo food options tend to be lower in fat, calories, and salt than processed foods. These foods improve satiety levels after meals, reducing the chances of overeating and exceeding daily caloric intake. We like to use maple sugar in recipes where a maple flavor is desirable, but the extra moisture (like that found in maple syrup) isn't.

Just because a cookie is considered “paleo” doesn't mean you can eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Keisha Deturenne
Keisha Deturenne

Bacon fanatic. Hipster-friendly pop cultureaholic. Typical twitter fanatic. Unapologetic food trailblazer. Friendly webaholic.