How long does it take to see results from a paleo diet?

I hate it when people say to me “this is my body. That's an excuse 99% of the time, and I've seen people do incredible things with bodies that weren't ideal.

How long does it take to see results from a paleo diet?

I hate it when people say to me “this is my body. That's an excuse 99% of the time, and I've seen people do incredible things with bodies that weren't ideal. Your body can recover from much more than you think. Diabetes is reversed, “permanent injuries are healed and diseases are cured.” The last factor to consider when trying to lose weight with the paleo diet is diet compliance.

The paleo diet isn't a “quick fix” that will help you lose weight overnight. You'll need to stick to the diet for at least 60 days to see results. This means you'll have to commit to eating healthy, whole foods and avoiding processed foods, refined sugars, and unhealthy fats. It can be helpful to plan your meals ahead of time and make sure you have healthy snacks on hand to help you keep up.

The next time you wonder why you haven't gotten faster or better results, remember that being paleo is about discovering what works and knowing that, once you do, you'll not only get great results, but you'll also be able to constantly improve. The Paleo diet is a popular diet plan that focuses on eating foods that were available during the Paleolithic era. However, make no mistake, the paleo diet is not a no-carb diet and it doesn't have to be a low-carb diet either. Because I ate paleo 100% of the time, I avoided the most common paleo foods, such as honey, maple syrup, and pure cocoa.

While paleo foods usually require preparation, they're packed with nutrients and keep you full longer. If you were just following a low-carb diet before switching to the paleo diet, that liquid weight isn't there to go away. The paleo diet isn't a “magic pill” that helps you lose weight without any effort on your part. Another reason the paleo diet is effective for weight loss is that it promotes high protein intake.

I used to have restless nights and wake up groggy, but with the Paleo diet, I felt full of energy first thing in the morning. Although tomatoes are paleo, they're not healthy for me, the same can be said for some people with egg sensitivities. If you have any food sensitivities like me, I recommend that you follow an elimination version of the paleo diet. Here's a quick summary of what it's like to lose weight with the Paleo diet, some pitfalls to avoid, and tips for seeing the forest, not just the trees.

Since the paleo diet promotes healthy and sustainable weight loss, if I continued to consume paleo foods, my weight would probably decrease even more before stabilizing at my natural body weight.

Keisha Deturenne
Keisha Deturenne

Bacon fanatic. Hipster-friendly pop cultureaholic. Typical twitter fanatic. Unapologetic food trailblazer. Friendly webaholic.