What is the paleo diet?

Noun diet based on the types of foods that early humans were supposed to eat, which consist mainly of meat, fish, vegetables, and fruits, and excludes dairy or grain products and processed foods. I recently started the paleo diet and also gave up caffeine.

What is the paleo diet?

Noun diet based on the types of foods that early humans were supposed to eat, which consist mainly of meat, fish, vegetables, and fruits, and excludes dairy or grain products and processed foods. I recently started the paleo diet and also gave up caffeine. A modern paleo diet includes fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds. These are foods that in the past, people could obtain by hunting and gathering.

It does not include foods that became more common when small-scale agriculture began about 10,000 years ago. These foods include cereals, legumes, and dairy products. A paleo eating plan that is high in fiber, potassium, and antioxidants and low in simple carbohydrates, sodium, and sugar can be a healthy eating plan. It places emphasis on local, sustainable, organic and non-GMO foods and on meat options from grass-fed animals.

It discourages foods that are highly processed or that have artificial ingredients and colors. The idea behind the paleo diet is that today's highly processed foods are not suitable for humans and cause obesity, diabetes, and heart problems. There's some evidence that a simpler diet, like the one used to eat by early humans, might be better for your health. Some research also shows that low-fat dairy products, which cannot be eaten on the paleo diet, help reduce the amount of inflammation in the body.

Common characteristics of the Paleo diet include an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, and lean meats and the avoidance of processed foods. The Stone Age brought with it the discovery of fire and metal tools, but it also gave rise to the current Paleolithic diet or Paleo diet. The food choices of a person following a paleo diet are limited to what could be hunted, fished, or gathered in prehistoric times, such as meat, fish, and vegetables. Nell Stephenson, Iron Man athlete, mother, author, and nutrition blogger, has been an influential member of the paleo movement for more than a decade.

While coffee was off the table in the paleo diet for a long time, we recently decided that coffee can be paleo if you feel like your body responds well to it. Researchers found that the paleo diet was linked to a decrease in cardiac or cardiovascular risk factors. You should also talk to a doctor or nutritionist if you're interested in trying the very-low-carb version of the paleo diet. In a long-term study of the dietary patterns reported by the participants themselves, it was observed that closely following a paleo diet or a Mediterranean diet produced a similar decrease in cardiovascular risk factors.

The idea of the Paleo diet is that these dietary changes exceeded the human body's ability to change or adapt. People who lived in the Paleolithic period, or “cave people”, ate everything their environment offered them.

Keisha Deturenne
Keisha Deturenne

Bacon fanatic. Hipster-friendly pop cultureaholic. Typical twitter fanatic. Unapologetic food trailblazer. Friendly webaholic.