Is it possible to follow an alkaline-based eating schedule while following a paleo diet plan?

At first glance, the alkaline diet seems to promote a fairly healthy way of eating. After all, we know that plant-based whole foods are nutritious.

Is it possible to follow an alkaline-based eating schedule while following a paleo diet plan?

At first glance, the alkaline diet seems to promote a fairly healthy way of eating. After all, we know that plant-based whole foods are nutritious. But does the idea of following a pH scale to determine what you should have for dinner really hold? It turns out that there is a lack of research to back it up. Sugar-free, unprocessed fruit juices are also consumed in the alkaline diet, most of which are good sources of nutrients, such as vitamin C and potassium.

Once again, there is no research to indicate that the pH of foods has any impact on overall health, while there is plenty of evidence to show that it's simply not possible to change the body's pH through diet. A more relaxed version of the alkaline diet that doesn't strictly eliminate nuts and healthy grains may be beneficial to overall health. Another study (conducted in 2002) directly addressed the issue of the absorption of acids by calcium from bones and it was found that a protein-rich diet increased the calcium content in the urine, but also increased bone density. It's that constant acid load in many Western diets that gradually pulls calcium out of the bones and causes osteoporosis.

Instead, the AICR states that following a primarily plant-based diet, with lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains (without worrying about alkalinity) is a healthy approach that can help reduce the risk of cancer and chronic diseases. Another previous review and meta-analysis concluded that there is no evidence that an acidic diet can cause bone diseases, nor is there evidence that it can protect bones. Research shows that nuts can be a healthy addition to any diet, but how do popular varieties, such as almonds, walnuts, and pistachios, compare nutritionally? But in general, if you try the alkaline diet, you'll want to stick to the following list of foods, avoid acidic foods, limit or avoid neutral foods, and focus on alkaline foods. They are hungry all the time, and the vast majority of people who follow this diet find it almost impossible to consume fewer calories.

When the diet produces a net acid load (such as fad low-carb diets that restrict fruit and vegetable consumption), the acid must be buffered by the body's basic alkaline stores. While weight loss is not the primary goal of the alkaline diet and there is no research to support it as a primary result, any diet that restricts food groups tends to restrict total calories. Another meta-analysis of overall dietary acid load concluded that no relationship could be determined between dietary acid load and osteoporosis, and another study agreed with this statement. Unfortunately, vegan and vegetarian diets almost always cause numerous vitamin, mineral, and nutrient deficiencies, such as vitamin B12, vitamin B6, D, zinc, iron, iodine, taurine, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Keisha Deturenne
Keisha Deturenne

Bacon fanatic. Hipster-friendly pop cultureaholic. Typical twitter fanatic. Unapologetic food trailblazer. Friendly webaholic.